1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 | /* * Copyright (c) 2020 Alexander Kozhinov <AlexanderKozhinov@yandex.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <st/h7/stm32h7_dualcore.dtsi> #include <zephyr/dt-bindings/display/panel.h> / { soc { compatible = "st,stm32h745", "st,stm32h7", "simple-bus"; flash-controller@52002000 { flash0: flash@8000000 { compatible = "st,stm32-nv-flash", "soc-nv-flash"; write-block-size = <32>; erase-block-size = <DT_SIZE_K(128)>; /* maximum erase time for a 128K sector */ max-erase-time = <4000>; }; flash1: flash@8100000 { compatible = "st,stm32-nv-flash", "soc-nv-flash"; write-block-size = <32>; erase-block-size = <DT_SIZE_K(128)>; /* maximum erase time for a 128K sector */ max-erase-time = <4000>; }; }; dmamux1: dmamux@40020800 { dma-requests= <107>; }; dmamux2: dmamux@58025800 { dma-requests= <107>; }; ltdc: display-controller@50001000 { compatible = "st,stm32-ltdc"; reg = <0x50001000 0x200>; interrupts = <88 0>, <89 0>; interrupt-names = "ltdc", "ltdc_er"; clocks = <&rcc STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB3 0x00000008>; status = "disabled"; }; usbotg_hs: usb@40040000 { compatible = "st,stm32-otghs"; reg = <0x40040000 0x40000>; interrupts = <74 0>, <75 0>, <76 0>, <77 0>; interrupt-names = "ep1_out", "ep1_in", "wkup", "otghs"; num-bidir-endpoints = <9>; ram-size = <4096>; maximum-speed = "full-speed"; clocks = <&rcc STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB1 0x02000000>, <&rcc STM32_SRC_HSI48 USB_SEL(3)>; phys = <&otghs_fs_phy>; status = "disabled"; }; usbotg_fs: usb@40080000 { compatible = "st,stm32-otgfs"; reg = <0x40080000 0x40000>; interrupts = <98 0>, <99 0>, <100 0>, <101 0>; interrupt-names = "ep1_out", "ep1_in", "wkup", "otgfs"; num-bidir-endpoints = <9>; ram-size = <4096>; maximum-speed = "full-speed"; clocks = <&rcc STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB1 0x08000000>, <&rcc STM32_SRC_HSI48 USB_SEL(3)>; phys = <&otghs_fs_phy>; status = "disabled"; }; rtc@58004000 { bbram: backup_regs { compatible = "st,stm32-bbram"; st,backup-regs = <32>; status = "disabled"; }; }; }; /* * The RAM memories placed here can be used by both cores M4/M7 * For more information see reference manual and datasheet to STM32H745 * (RM0399 Rev 3) */ /* System data RAM accessible over AXI bus: AXI SRAM in D1 domain */ sram0: memory@24000000 { reg = <0x24000000 DT_SIZE_K(512)>; compatible = "mmio-sram"; }; /* System data RAM accessible over AHB bus: SRAM1 in D2 domain */ sram1: memory@30000000 { reg = <0x30000000 DT_SIZE_K(128)>; compatible = "zephyr,memory-region", "mmio-sram"; zephyr,memory-region = "SRAM1"; }; /* System data RAM accessible over AHB bus: SRAM2 in D2 domain */ sram2: memory@30020000 { compatible = "zephyr,memory-region", "mmio-sram"; reg = <0x30020000 DT_SIZE_K(128)>; zephyr,memory-region = "SRAM2"; }; /* System data RAM accessible over AHB bus: SRAM3 in D2 domain */ sram3: memory@30040000 { compatible = "zephyr,memory-region", "mmio-sram"; reg = <0x30040000 DT_SIZE_K(32)>; zephyr,memory-region = "SRAM3"; }; /* System data RAM accessible over AHB bus: SRAM4 in D3 domain */ sram4: memory@38000000 { reg = <0x38000000 DT_SIZE_K(64)>; compatible = "zephyr,memory-region", "mmio-sram"; zephyr,memory-region = "SRAM4"; }; otghs_fs_phy: otghs_fs_phy { compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv"; #phy-cells = <0>; }; vref: vref { io-channels = <&adc3 19>; }; vbat: vbat { io-channels = <&adc3 17>; }; }; |