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 * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <kernel_internal.h>
#include <zephyr/irq_offload.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/multi_heap.h>
#include "test_mheap.h"


#define NMEMB   8
#define SIZE    16
#define BOUNDS  (NMEMB * SIZE)

#define N_MULTI_HEAPS 4
#define MHEAP_BYTES 128

static struct sys_multi_heap multi_heap;
static char heap_mem[N_MULTI_HEAPS][MHEAP_BYTES];
static struct sys_heap mheaps[N_MULTI_HEAPS];

K_SEM_DEFINE(thread_sem, 0, 1);
struct k_thread tdata;

static void tIsr_malloc_and_free(void *data)
	void *ptr;

	ptr = (char *)z_thread_malloc(BLK_SIZE_MIN);
	zassert_not_null(ptr, "bytes allocation failed from system pool");

static void thread_entry(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)
	void *ptr;

	k_current_get()->resource_pool = NULL;

	ptr = (char *)z_thread_malloc(BLK_SIZE_MIN);
	zassert_is_null(ptr, "bytes allocation failed from system pool");


/*test cases*/

 * @brief Test to demonstrate k_malloc() and k_free() API usage
 * @ingroup kernel_heap_tests
 * @details The test allocates 4 blocks from heap memory pool
 * using k_malloc() API. It also tries to allocate a block of size
 * 64 bytes which fails as all the memory is allocated up. It then
 * validates k_free() API by freeing up all the blocks which were
 * allocated from the heap memory.
 * @see k_malloc()
ZTEST(mheap_api, test_mheap_malloc_free)
	void *block[2 * BLK_NUM_MAX], *block_fail;
	int nb;

	for (nb = 0; nb < ARRAY_SIZE(block); nb++) {
		 * TESTPOINT: This routine provides traditional malloc()
		 * semantics. Memory is allocated from the heap memory pool.
		block[nb] = k_malloc(BLK_SIZE_MIN);
		if (block[nb] == NULL) {

	block_fail = k_malloc(BLK_SIZE_MIN);
	/** TESTPOINT: Return NULL if fail.*/
	zassert_is_null(block_fail, NULL);

	for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
		 * TESTPOINT: This routine provides traditional free()
		 * semantics. The memory being returned must have been allocated
		 * from the heap memory pool.
	/** TESTPOINT: If ptr is NULL, no operation is performed.*/

	/** TESTPOINT: Return NULL if fail.*/
	block_fail = k_malloc(OVERFLOW_SIZE);
	zassert_is_null(block_fail, NULL);

 * @brief Test to demonstrate k_calloc() API functionality.
 * @ingroup kernel_heap_tests
 * @details The test validates k_calloc() API. When requesting a
 * huge size of space or a space larger than heap memory,
 * the API will return NULL. The 8 blocks of memory of
 * size 16 bytes are allocated by k_calloc() API. When allocated using
 * k_calloc() the memory buffers have to be zeroed. Check is done, if the
 * blocks are memset to 0 and read/write is allowed. The test is then
 * teared up by freeing all the blocks allocated.
 * @see k_calloc()
ZTEST(mheap_api, test_mheap_calloc)
	char *mem;

	/* Requesting a huge size to validate overflow */
	mem = k_calloc(NMEMB, OVERFLOW_SIZE);
	zassert_is_null(mem, "calloc operation failed");

	/* Requesting a space large than heap memory lead to failure */
	mem = k_calloc(NMEMB * 3, SIZE);
	zassert_is_null(mem, "calloc operation failed");

	mem = k_calloc(NMEMB, SIZE);
	zassert_not_null(mem, "calloc operation failed");

	/* Memory should be zeroed and not crash us if we read/write to it */
	for (int i = 0; i < BOUNDS; i++) {
		zassert_equal(mem[i], 0);
		mem[i] = 1;


ZTEST(mheap_api, test_k_aligned_alloc)
	void *r;

	 * Allow sizes that are not necessarily a multiple of the
	 * alignment. The backing allocator would naturally round up to
	 * some minimal block size. This would make k_aligned_alloc()
	 * more like posix_memalign() instead of aligned_alloc(), but
	 * the benefit is that k_malloc() can then just be a wrapper
	 * around k_aligned_alloc().
	r = k_aligned_alloc(sizeof(void *), 1);
	/* allocation succeeds */
	zassert_not_equal(NULL, r, "aligned alloc of 1 byte failed");
	/* r is suitably aligned */
	zassert_equal(0, (uintptr_t)r % sizeof(void *),
		"%p not %u-byte-aligned",
		r, sizeof(void *));

	/* allocate with > 8 byte alignment */
	r = k_aligned_alloc(16, 1);
	/* allocation succeeds */
	zassert_not_equal(NULL, r, "16-byte-aligned alloc failed");
	/* r is suitably aligned */
	zassert_equal(0, (uintptr_t)r % 16,
		"%p not 16-byte-aligned", r);

 * @brief Validate allocation and free from system heap memory pool.

 * @details Set heap memory as resource pool. It will success when alloc
 * a block of memory smaller than the pool and will fail when alloc
 * a block of memory larger than the pool.
 * @ingroup kernel_heap_tests
 * @see k_thread_system_pool_assign(), z_thread_malloc(), k_free()
ZTEST(mheap_api, test_sys_heap_mem_pool_assign)

	void *ptr;

	ptr = (char *)z_thread_malloc(BLK_SIZE_MIN/2);
	zassert_not_null(ptr, "bytes allocation failed from system pool");

	zassert_is_null((char *)z_thread_malloc(BLK_SIZE_MAX * 2),
						"overflow check failed");

 * @brief Validate allocation and free from system heap memory pool
 * in isr context.
 * @details When in isr context, the kernel will successfully alloc a block of
 * memory because in this situation, the kernel will assign the heap memory
 * as resource pool.
 * @ingroup kernel_heap_tests
 * @see z_thread_malloc(), k_free()
ZTEST(mheap_api, test_malloc_in_isr)

	irq_offload((irq_offload_routine_t)tIsr_malloc_and_free, NULL);

 * @brief Validate allocation and free failure when thread's resource pool
 * is not assigned.
 * @details When a thread's resource pool is not assigned, alloc memory will fail.
 * @ingroup kernel_heap_tests
 * @see z_thread_malloc()
ZTEST(mheap_api, test_malloc_in_thread)

	k_tid_t tid = k_thread_create(&tdata, tstack, STACK_SIZE,
			      thread_entry, NULL, NULL, NULL,
			      0, 0, K_NO_WAIT);

	k_sem_take(&thread_sem, K_FOREVER);


void *multi_heap_choice(struct sys_multi_heap *mheap, void *cfg,
			size_t align, size_t size)
	struct sys_heap *h = &mheaps[(int)(long)cfg];

	return sys_heap_aligned_alloc(h, align, size);

ZTEST(mheap_api, test_multi_heap)
	char *blocks[N_MULTI_HEAPS];

	sys_multi_heap_init(&multi_heap, multi_heap_choice);
	for (int i = 0; i < N_MULTI_HEAPS; i++) {
		sys_heap_init(&mheaps[i], &heap_mem[i][0], MHEAP_BYTES);
		sys_multi_heap_add_heap(&multi_heap, &mheaps[i], NULL);

	/* Allocate half the buffer from each heap, make sure it works
	 * and that the pointer is in the correct memory
	for (int i = 0; i < N_MULTI_HEAPS; i++) {
		blocks[i] = sys_multi_heap_alloc(&multi_heap, (void *)(long)i,
						 MHEAP_BYTES / 2);

		zassert_not_null(blocks[i], "allocation failed");
		zassert_true(blocks[i] >= &heap_mem[i][0] &&
			     blocks[i] < &heap_mem[i+1][0],
			     "allocation not in correct heap");

	/* Make sure all heaps fail to allocate another */
	for (int i = 0; i < N_MULTI_HEAPS; i++) {
		void *b = sys_multi_heap_alloc(&multi_heap, (void *)(long)i,
					       MHEAP_BYTES / 2);

		zassert_is_null(b, "second allocation succeeded?");

	/* Free all blocks */
	for (int i = 0; i < N_MULTI_HEAPS; i++) {
		sys_multi_heap_free(&multi_heap, blocks[i]);

	/* Allocate again to make sure they're still valid */
	for (int i = 0; i < N_MULTI_HEAPS; i++) {
		blocks[i] = sys_multi_heap_alloc(&multi_heap, (void *)(long)i,
						 MHEAP_BYTES / 2);
		zassert_not_null(blocks[i], "final re-allocation failed");