Linux Audio

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 * Copyright (c) 2020, Seagate Technology LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <arm/armv6-m.dtsi>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/lpc11u6x_clock.h>
#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <mem.h>

/ {
	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;

		cpu0: cpu@0 {
			compatible = "arm,cortex-m0+";
			reg = <0>;

	sram0:memory@10000000 {
		compatible = "mmio-sram";

	sram1:memory@20000000 {
		compatible = "mmio-sram";
		reg = <0x20000000 0x800>;
		zephyr,memory-region = "SRAM1";

	sram2:memory@20004000 {
		compatible = "mmio-sram";
		reg = <0x20004000 0x800>;
		zephyr,memory-region = "SRAM2";

	soc {
		flash0:flash@0 {
			compatible = "soc-nv-flash";

		/* On-chip EEPROM. */
		eeprom0: eeprom_0 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-eeprom";
			label = "EEPROM_0";
			 * For some reasons, the IAP commands don't allow to
			 * reach the last 64 bytes of the EEPROM.
			size = <(DT_SIZE_K(4) - 64)>;
			status = "okay";

		/* PIO0_0 to PIO0_23. */
		pinmux0: pinmux@40044000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-pinmux";
			#pinmux-cells = <2>;
			reg = <0x40044000 0x60>;
			label = "PINMUX_0";
			status = "okay";

		/* PIO1_0 to PIO1_31. */
		pinmux1: pinmux@40044060 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-pinmux";
			#pinmux-cells = <2>;
			reg = <0x40044060 0x80>;
			label = "PINMUX_1";
			status = "okay";

		/* PIO2_0 to PIO2_23. */
		pinmux2: pinmux@400440f0 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-pinmux";
			#pinmux-cells = <2>;
			reg = <0x400440f0 0x64>;
			label = "PINMUX_2";
			status = "okay";

		/* GPIO0_0 to GPIO0_23 */
		gpio0: gpio@0 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-gpio";
			reg = <0xa0000000 0x8000>, <0x40048000 0x400>;
			interrupts = <0 2>, <1 2>, <2 2>, <3 2>, \
				     <4 2>, <5 2>, <6 2>, <7 2>;

			label = "GPIO_0";
			#gpio-cells = <2>;
			ngpios = <24>;

			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_GPIO>;
			pinmux-port = <&pinmux0>;

			status = "disabled";

		/* GPIO1_0 to GPIO1_31 */
		gpio1: gpio@1 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-gpio";
			reg = <0xa0000000 0x8000>, <0x40048000 0x400>;
			interrupts = <0 2>, <1 2>, <2 2>, <3 2>, \
				     <4 2>, <5 2>, <6 2>, <7 2>;

			label = "GPIO_1";
			#gpio-cells = <2>;

			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_GPIO>;
			pinmux-port = <&pinmux1>;

			status = "disabled";

		/* GPIO2_2 to GPIO2_23 */
		gpio2: gpio@2 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-gpio";
			reg = <0xa0000000 0x8000>, <0x40048000 0x400>;
			interrupts = <0 2>, <1 2>, <2 2>, <3 2>, \
				     <4 2>, <5 2>, <6 2>, <7 2>;

			label = "GPIO_2";
			#gpio-cells = <2>;
			base = <2>;
			ngpios = <22>;

			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_GPIO>;
			pinmux-port = <&pinmux2>;

			status = "disabled";

		syscon: clock-controller@40048000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-syscon";
			#clock-cells = <1>;
			reg = <0x40048000 0x400>;
			label = "SYSCON";
			pinmuxs = <&pinmux2 0 1>, <&pinmux2 1 1>;
			pinmux-names = "XTALIN", "XTALOUT";

		uart0: serial@40008000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-uart";
			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_USART0>;
			interrupts = <21 0>;
			reg = <0x40008000 0x60>;
			label = "UART_0";
			status = "disabled";

		uart1: serial@4006c000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-uart";
			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_USART1>;
			interrupts = <11 0>;
			reg = <0x4006C000 0x30>;
			label = "UART_1";
			status = "disabled";

		uart2: serial@40070000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-uart";
			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_USART2>;
			interrupts = <12 0>;
			reg = <0x40070000 0x30>;
			label = "UART_2";
			status = "disabled";

		uart3: serial@40074000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-uart";
			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_USART3>;
			interrupts = <12 0>;
			reg = <0x40074000 0x30>;
			label = "UART_3";
			status = "disabled";

		uart4: serial@4004c000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-uart";
			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_USART4>;
			interrupts = <11 0>;
			reg = <0x4004C000 0x30>;
			label = "UART_4";
			status = "disabled";

		i2c0: i2c@40000000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-i2c";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x40000000 0x40>;
			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_I2C0>;
			interrupts = <15 0>;
			status = "disabled";
			label = "I2C_0";

		i2c1: i2c@40020000 {
			compatible = "nxp,lpc11u6x-i2c";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x40020000 0x40>;
			clocks = <&syscon LPC11U6X_CLOCK_I2C1>;
			interrupts = <10 0>;
			status = "disabled";
			label = "I2C_1";

&nvic {
	arm,num-irq-priority-bits = <2>;