Linux Audio

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 * Copyright (c) 2020 Jefferson Lee
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <nordic/nrf52840_qiaa.dtsi>

/ {
	model = "Arduino Nano 33 BLE (Sense)";
	compatible = "arduino,arduino_nano_33_ble";

	chosen {
		zephyr,console = &uart0;
		zephyr,shell-uart = &uart0;
		zephyr,uart-mcumgr = &uart0;
		zephyr,bt-mon-uart = &uart0;
		zephyr,bt-c2h-uart = &uart0;
		zephyr,sram = &sram0;
		zephyr,flash = &flash0;
		zephyr,code-partition = &code_partition;

	leds {
		compatible = "gpio-leds";
		led0: led_0 {
			gpios = <&gpio0 24 0>;
			label = "Red LED";

	/* These aliases are provided for compatibility with samples */
	aliases {
		led0 = &led0;
		spi = &spi2;

&flash0 {
	partitions {
		compatible = "fixed-partitions";
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		boot_partition: partition@0 {
			label = "sam-ba";
			reg = <0x0 0x10000>;

		code_partition: partition@10000 {
			label = "code";
			reg = <0x10000 0xf0000>;

 * guide specifying pin numbers:
 * Given Pin PB.A:
 * pin_no = B*32 + A
 * ex. P1.0 => 32
&adc {
	status = "okay";
&uart0 {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-uart";
	current-speed = <115200>;
	status = "okay";
	tx-pin = <35>; //P1.03
	rx-pin = <42>; //P1.10
&i2c0 {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
	status = "okay";
	sda-pin = <31>; //P0.31
	scl-pin = <2>; //P0.02
&i2c1 {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
	status = "okay";
	sda-pin = <14>; //P0.14
	scl-pin = <15>; //P0.15
// we use SPI2 because SPI1/0 shares conflicts with I2C1/0
&spi2 {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim";
	status = "okay";
	sck-pin = <13>; //P0.13
	mosi-pin = <33>; //P1.01
	miso-pin = <40>; //P1.08
&gpio0 {
	status = "okay";
&gpio1 {
	status = "okay";
&usbd {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-usbd";
	status = "okay";
// All PWM's should be enaled
&pwm0 {
	status = "okay";
&pwm1 {
	status = "okay";
&pwm2 {
	status = "okay";
&pwm3 {
	status = "okay";
 * NOTE: curiously, there is no PDM (microphone) interface in the
 * nordic DTSI file.
 * You'll need to use the nordic-specific PDM libraries.

 * the following sets up the peripherals according to this file:
 * The bootloader will conflict with RTC1
&rtc1 {
	status = "disabled";