Linux Audio

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 * Copyright (c) 2018 AJ Palmer
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <st/f7/stm32f756Xg.dtsi>
#include <st/f7/stm32f756zgtx-pinctrl.dtsi>
#include "arduino_r3_connector.dtsi"

 * WARNING: The pin PA7 will conflict on selection of SPI_1 and ETH_STM32_HAL.
 *          If you require both peripherals, and you do not need Arduino Uno v3
 *          comaptability, the pin PB5 (also on ST Zio connector) can be used
 *          for the SPI_1 MOSI signal.

/ {
	model = "STMicroelectronics STM32F756ZG-NUCLEO board";
	compatible = "st,stm32f756zg-nucleo";

	chosen {
		zephyr,console = &usart3;
		zephyr,shell-uart = &usart3;
		zephyr,sram = &sram0;
		zephyr,flash = &flash0;
		zephyr,dtcm = &dtcm;

	leds {
		compatible = "gpio-leds";
		green_led: led_0 {
			gpios = <&gpiob 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			label = "User LD1";
		blue_led: led_1 {
			gpios = <&gpiob 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			label = "User LD2";
		red_led: led_2 {
			gpios = <&gpiob 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
			label = "User LD3";

	gpio_keys {
		compatible = "gpio-keys";
		user_button: button_0 {
			label = "User";
			gpios = <&gpioc 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

	aliases {
		led0 = &green_led;
		led1 = &blue_led;
		led2 = &red_led;
		sw0 = &user_button;

&usart2 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&usart2_tx_pd5 &usart2_rx_pd6
		     &usart2_rts_pd4 &usart2_cts_pd3>;
	current-speed = <115200>;
	status = "okay";

&usart3 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&usart3_tx_pd8 &usart3_rx_pd9>;
	current-speed = <115200>;
	status = "okay";

&usart6 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&usart6_tx_pg14 &usart6_rx_pg9>;
	current-speed = <115200>;
	status = "okay";

&usbotg_fs {
	pinctrl-0 = <&usb_otg_fs_dm_pa11 &usb_otg_fs_dp_pa12>;
	status = "okay";

&i2c1 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_scl_pb8 &i2c1_sda_pb9>;
	status = "okay";
	clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_FAST>;

&timers1 {
	status = "okay";

	pwm1: pwm {
		status = "okay";
		pinctrl-0 = <&tim1_ch3_pe13>;

&spi1 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&spi1_nss_pa4 &spi1_sck_pa5
		     &spi1_miso_pa6 &spi1_mosi_pa7>;
	status = "okay";

&mac {
	status = "okay";
	pinctrl-0 = <&eth_mdc_pc1