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Elixir Cross Referencer

 * Copyright (c) 2020, Seagate Technology LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


#define LPC11U6X_UART0_CLK 14745600

#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_WLS_5BITS             0
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_WLS_6BITS             1
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_WLS_7BITS             2
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_WLS_8BITS             3
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_STOP_1BIT             (0 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_STOP_2BIT             (1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_PARTIY_ENABLE         (1 << 3)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_PARTIY_ODD            (0 << 4)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_PARTIY_EVEN           (1 << 4)

#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LCR_DLAB                  (1 << 7)

#define LPC11U6X_UART0_FCR_FIFO_EN               (1 << 0)

#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_RDR                   (1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_OE                    (1 << 1)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_PE                    (1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_FE                    (1 << 3)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_BI                    (1 << 4)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_THRE                  (1 << 5)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_TEMT                  (1 << 6)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_LSR_RXFE                  (1 << 7)

#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IER_RBRINTEN              (1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IER_THREINTEN             (1 << 1)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IER_RLSINTEN              (1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IER_MASK                  (0x30F)

#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IIR_STATUS                (0x1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IIR_INTID(x)              (((x) >> 1) & 0x7)
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IIR_INTID_RLS             0x3
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IIR_INTID_RDA             0x2
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IIR_INTID_CTI             0x6
#define LPC11U6X_UART0_IIR_INTID_THRE            0x1

#define LPC11U6X_UART0_FIFO_SIZE                 16

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_ENABLE                (0x1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_DATALEN_7BIT          (0x0 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_DATALEN_8BIT          (0x1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_DATALEN_9BIT          (0x2 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_PARITY_NONE           (0x0 << 4)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_PARITY_EVEN           (0x2 << 4)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_PARITY_ODD            (0x3 << 4)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_STOP_1BIT             (0x0 << 6)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_STOP_2BIT             (0x1 << 6)

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_CFG_MASK                  (0x00FCDAFD)

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_STAT_RXRDY                (1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_STAT_TXRDY                (1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_STAT_TXIDLE               (1 << 3)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_STAT_OVERRUNINT           (1 << 8)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_STAT_FRAMERRINT           (1 << 13)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_STAT_PARITYERRINT         (1 << 14)

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_BRG_MASK                  (0xFFFF)

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_SET_RXRDYEN        (1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_SET_TXRDYEN        (1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_SET_OVERRUNEN      (1 << 8)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_SET_FRAMERREN      (1 << 13)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_SET_PARITYERREN    (1 << 14)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_SET_MASK           (0x0001F96D)

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_CLR_RXRDYCLR       (1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_CLR_TXRDYCLR       (1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_CLR_OVERRUNCLR     (1 << 8)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_EN_CLR_FRAMERRCLR     (1 << 13)

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_STAT_RXRDY            (1 << 0)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_STAT_TXRDY            (1 << 2)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_STAT_OVERRUN          (1 << 8)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_STAT_FRAMERR          (1 << 13)
#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_INT_STAT_PARITYERR        (1 << 14)

#define LPC11U6X_UARTX_DEVICE_PER_IRQ            2

struct lpc11u6x_uart0_regs {
	union {
		volatile const uint32_t rbr; /* RX buffer (RO) */
		volatile uint32_t thr;       /* TX buffer (WO) */
		volatile uint32_t dll;       /* Divisor latch LSB */
	union {
		volatile uint32_t dlm;       /* Divisor latch MSB */
		volatile uint32_t ier;       /* Interrupt enable */
	union {
		volatile uint32_t iir;       /* Interrupt ID */
		volatile uint32_t fcr;       /* FIFO Control */
	volatile uint32_t lcr;               /* Line Control */
	volatile uint32_t mcr;               /* Modem Control */
	volatile uint32_t lsr;               /* Line Status */
	volatile uint32_t msr;               /* Modem Status */
	volatile uint32_t scr;               /* Scratch pad */
	volatile uint32_t acr;               /* Auto-baud Control */
	volatile uint32_t icr;               /* IrDA Control */
	volatile uint32_t fdr;               /* Fractional Divider */
	volatile uint32_t osr;               /* Oversampling register */
	volatile uint32_t ter;               /* Transmit enable */
	volatile uint32_t reserved1[3];
	volatile uint32_t hden;              /* Half duplex */
	volatile uint32_t reserved2;
	volatile uint32_t sci_ctrl;          /* Smart card interface */
	volatile uint32_t rs485_ctrl;        /* RS-485 control */
	volatile uint32_t rs485_addr_match;  /* RS-485 address match */
	volatile uint32_t rs485_dly;         /* RS-485 delay direction control
					      * delay
	volatile uint32_t sync_ctrl;         /* Synchronous mode control */

struct lpc11u6x_uart0_config {
	struct lpc11u6x_uart0_regs *uart0;
	const char *clock_drv_name;
	const char *rx_pinmux_drv_name;
	const char *tx_pinmux_drv_name;
	uint32_t baudrate;
	uint32_t clkid;
	uint8_t rx_pin;
	uint8_t rx_func;
	uint8_t tx_pin;
	uint8_t tx_func;
	void (*irq_config_func)(const struct device *dev);

struct lpc11u6x_uart0_data {
	uint32_t baudrate;
	uint8_t parity;
	uint8_t stop_bits;
	uint8_t data_bits;
	uint8_t flow_ctrl;
	uart_irq_callback_user_data_t cb;
	void *cb_data;
	uint32_t cached_iir;

struct lpc11u6x_uartx_regs {
	volatile uint32_t cfg;               /* Configuration register */
	volatile uint32_t ctl;               /* Control register */
	volatile uint32_t stat;              /* Status register */
	volatile uint32_t int_en_set;        /* Interrupt enable and set */
	volatile uint32_t int_en_clr;        /* Interrupt enable clear */
	volatile const uint32_t rx_dat;      /* Receiver data */
	volatile const uint32_t rx_dat_stat; /* Receiver data status */
	volatile uint32_t tx_dat;            /* Transmit data */
	volatile uint32_t brg;               /* Baud rate generator */
	volatile const uint32_t int_stat;    /* Interrupt status */
	volatile uint32_t osr;               /* Oversample selection */
	volatile uint32_t addr;              /* Address regiser*/

struct lpc11u6x_uartx_config {
	struct lpc11u6x_uartx_regs *base;
	const char *clock_drv_name;
	const char *rx_pinmux_drv_name;
	const char *tx_pinmux_drv_name;
	uint32_t baudrate;
	uint32_t clkid;
	uint8_t rx_pin;
	uint8_t rx_func;
	uint8_t tx_pin;
	uint8_t tx_func;

struct lpc11u6x_uartx_data {
	uint32_t baudrate;
	uint8_t parity;
	uint8_t stop_bits;
	uint8_t data_bits;
	uint8_t flow_ctrl;
	uart_irq_callback_user_data_t cb;
	void *cb_data;

/* Since UART1 and UART4 share the same IRQ (as well as UART2 and UART3),
 * we need to give the ISR a way to know all the devices that should be
 * notified when said IRQ is raied
struct lpc11u6x_uartx_shared_irq {
	const struct device *devices[LPC11U6X_UARTX_DEVICE_PER_IRQ];

	(DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_NODELABEL(uart1), okay) ||	\
static void lpc11u6x_uartx_isr_config_1(const struct device *dev);
	* (DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_NODELABEL(uart2), okay) ||

	(DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_NODELABEL(uart2), okay) ||	\
static void lpc11u6x_uartx_isr_config_2(const struct device *dev);
	* (DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_NODELABEL(uart2), okay) ||