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 * Copyright (c) 2019 Carlo Caione <>
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @file
 * @brief ARM64 Cortex-A ISRs wrapper

#include <toolchain.h>
#include <linker/sections.h>
#include <offsets_short.h>
#include <arch/cpu.h>
#include <sw_isr_table.h>
#include ""



 * @brief Wrapper around ISRs when inserted in software ISR table
 * When inserted in the vector table, _isr_wrapper() demuxes the ISR table
 * using the running interrupt number as the index, and invokes the registered
 * ISR with its corresponding argument. When returning from the ISR, it
 * determines if a context switch needs to happen.
 * @return N/A

SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _isr_wrapper)
	z_arm64_enter_exc x0, x1, x2

	/* ++(_kernel->nested) to be checked by arch_is_in_isr() */
	ldr	x0, =_kernel
	ldr	x1, [x0, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
	add	x1, x1, #1
	str	x1, [x0, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]

	bl	sys_trace_isr_enter

	/* Get active IRQ number from the interrupt controller */
	bl arm_gic_get_active
	bl z_soc_irq_get_active
	stp x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
	lsl x0, x0, #4 /* table is 16-byte wide */

	/* Retrieve the interrupt service routine */
	ldr	x1, =_sw_isr_table
	add	x1, x1, x0
	ldp	x0, x3, [x1] /* arg in x0, ISR in x3 */

	 * Call the ISR. Unmask and mask again the IRQs to support nested
	 * exception handlers
	msr	daifclr, #(DAIFSET_IRQ)
	blr	x3
	msr	daifset, #(DAIFSET_IRQ)

	/* Signal end-of-interrupt */
	ldp x0, x1, [sp], #16
	bl arm_gic_eoi
	bl z_soc_irq_eoi

	bl	sys_trace_isr_exit

	/* --(_kernel->nested) */
	ldr	x0, =_kernel
	ldr	x1, [x0, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
	sub	x1, x1, #1
	str	x1, [x0, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]

	cmp	x1, #0
	bne	exit

	 * z_arch_get_next_switch_handle() is returning:
	 * - The next thread to schedule in x0
	 * - The current thread in x1. This value is returned using the
	 *   **old_thread parameter, so we need to make space on the stack for
	 *   that.
	stp	x1, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
	mov	x0, sp
	bl	z_arch_get_next_switch_handle
	ldp	x1, xzr, [sp], #16

	 * x0: 1st thread in the ready queue
	 * x1: _current thread
	cmp	x0, x1
	beq	exit

	/* Switch thread */
	bl	z_arm64_context_switch

	/* We return here in two cases:
	 * - The ISR was taken and no context switch was performed.
	 * - A context-switch was performed during the ISR in the past and now
	 *   the thread has been switched in again and we return here from the
	 *   ret in z_arm64_context_switch() because x30 was saved and restored.
	bl	z_check_stack_sentinel
	z_arm64_exit_exc x0, x1, x2