/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /** * @file * * @brief measure time from ISR to a rescheduled thread * * This file contains test that measures time to switch from an interrupt * handler to executing a thread after rescheduling. In other words, execution * after interrupt handler resume in a different thread than the one which got * interrupted. */ #include <zephyr.h> #include <irq_offload.h> #include "timestamp.h" #include "utils.h" #include <arch/cpu.h> static u32_t timestamp; static struct k_work work; K_SEM_DEFINE(INTSEMA, 0, 1); K_SEM_DEFINE(WORKSEMA, 0, 1); /** * * @brief Test ISR used to measure best case interrupt latency * * The interrupt handler gets the second timestamp. * * @return N/A */ static void latency_test_isr(void *unused) { ARG_UNUSED(unused); k_work_submit(&work); timestamp = TIME_STAMP_DELTA_GET(0); } static void worker(struct k_work *item) { (void)item; timestamp = TIME_STAMP_DELTA_GET(timestamp); k_sem_give(&WORKSEMA); } /** * * @brief Software interrupt generating thread * * Lower priority thread that, when it starts, it waits for a semaphore. When * it gets it, released by the main thread, sets up the interrupt handler and * generates the software interrupt * * @return 0 on success */ void int_thread(void) { k_sem_take(&INTSEMA, K_FOREVER); irq_offload(latency_test_isr, NULL); k_thread_suspend(k_current_get()); } K_THREAD_DEFINE(int_thread_id, 512, (k_thread_entry_t) int_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL, 11, 0, K_NO_WAIT); /** * * @brief The test main function * * @return 0 on success */ int int_to_thread_evt(void) { PRINT_FORMAT(" 2 - Measure time from ISR to executing a different thread" " (rescheduled)"); k_work_init(&work, worker); TICK_SYNCH(); k_sem_give(&INTSEMA); k_sem_take(&WORKSEMA, K_FOREVER); PRINT_FORMAT(" switch time is %u tcs = %u nsec", timestamp, (u32_t)k_cyc_to_ns_floor64(timestamp)); return 0; } |