/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Jean-Paul Etienne <fractalclone@gmail.com> * Contributors: 2018 Antmicro <www.antmicro.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <kernel_structs.h> /* exports */ GTEXT(__initialize) GTEXT(__reset) /* imports */ GTEXT(_PrepC) #if CONFIG_INCLUDE_RESET_VECTOR SECTION_FUNC(reset, __reset) /* * jump to __initialize * use call opcode in case __initialize is far away. * This will be dependent on linker.ld configuration. */ call __initialize #endif /* CONFIG_INCLUDE_RESET_VECTOR */ /* use ABI name of registers for the sake of simplicity */ /* * Remainder of asm-land initialization code before we can jump into * the C domain */ SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, __initialize) #ifdef CONFIG_INIT_STACKS /* Pre-populate all bytes in _interrupt_stack with 0xAA */ la t0, _interrupt_stack li t1, CONFIG_ISR_STACK_SIZE add t1, t1, t0 /* Populate _interrupt_stack with 0xaaaaaaaa */ li t2, 0xaaaaaaaa aa_loop: sw t2, 0x00(t0) addi t0, t0, 4 blt t0, t1, aa_loop #endif /* * Initially, setup stack pointer to * _interrupt_stack + CONFIG_ISR_STACK_SIZE */ la sp, _interrupt_stack li t0, CONFIG_ISR_STACK_SIZE add sp, sp, t0 #ifdef CONFIG_WDOG_INIT call _WdogInit #endif /* * Jump into C domain. _PrepC zeroes BSS, copies rw data into RAM, * and then enters kernel z_cstart */ call _PrepC |