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 * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <kernel_structs.h>
#include <offsets_short.h>

/* exports */

/* imports */

/* unsigned int __swap(unsigned int key)
 * Always called with interrupts locked
SECTION_FUNC(exception.other, __swap)

	/* Get a reference to _kernel in r10 */
	movhi r10, %hi(_kernel)
	ori   r10, r10, %lo(_kernel)

	/* Get the pointer to kernel->current */
	ldw  r11, _kernel_offset_to_current(r10)
	stw r2, _thread_offset_to_r16(r11)
	stw r3, _thread_offset_to_r17(r11)
	stw r4, _thread_offset_to_r18(r11)
	stw ra,  _thread_offset_to_ra(r11)
	stw sp,  _thread_offset_to_sp(r11)

	call read_timer_start_of_swap
	/* Get a reference to _kernel in r10 */
	movhi r10, %hi(_kernel)
	ori   r10, r10, %lo(_kernel)

	/* Get the pointer to kernel->current */
	ldw  r11, _kernel_offset_to_current(r10)
	ldw r2, _thread_offset_to_r16(r11)
	ldw r3, _thread_offset_to_r17(r11)
	ldw r4, _thread_offset_to_r18(r11)
	ldw ra,  _thread_offset_to_ra(r11)
	ldw sp,  _thread_offset_to_sp(r11)

	/* Get a reference to _kernel in r10 */
	movhi r10, %hi(_kernel)
	ori   r10, r10, %lo(_kernel)

	/* Get the pointer to kernel->current */
	ldw  r11, _kernel_offset_to_current(r10)

	/* Store all the callee saved registers. We either got here via
	 * an exception or from a cooperative invocation of __swap() from C
	 * domain, so all the caller-saved registers have already been
	 * saved by the exception asm or the calling C code already.
	stw r16, _thread_offset_to_r16(r11)
	stw r17, _thread_offset_to_r17(r11)
	stw r18, _thread_offset_to_r18(r11)
	stw r19, _thread_offset_to_r19(r11)
	stw r20, _thread_offset_to_r20(r11)
	stw r21, _thread_offset_to_r21(r11)
	stw r22, _thread_offset_to_r22(r11)
	stw r23, _thread_offset_to_r23(r11)
	stw r28, _thread_offset_to_r28(r11)
	stw ra,  _thread_offset_to_ra(r11)
	stw sp,  _thread_offset_to_sp(r11)

	/* r4 has the 'key' argument which is the result of irq_lock()
	 * before this was called
	stw r4, _thread_offset_to_key(r11)

	/* Populate default return value */
	movhi r5, %hi(_k_neg_eagain)
	ori   r5, r5, %lo(_k_neg_eagain)
	ldw   r4, (r5)
	stw   r4, _thread_offset_to_retval(r11)

	call z_sys_trace_thread_switched_in
	/* restore caller-saved r10 */
	movhi r10, %hi(_kernel)
	ori   r10, r10, %lo(_kernel)

	/* get cached thread to run */
	ldw   r2, _kernel_offset_to_ready_q_cache(r10)

	/* At this point r2 points to the next thread to be swapped in */

	/* the thread to be swapped in is now the current thread */
	stw   r2, _kernel_offset_to_current(r10)

	/* Restore callee-saved registers and switch to the incoming
	 * thread's stack
	ldw r16, _thread_offset_to_r16(r2)
	ldw r17, _thread_offset_to_r17(r2)
	ldw r18, _thread_offset_to_r18(r2)
	ldw r19, _thread_offset_to_r19(r2)
	ldw r20, _thread_offset_to_r20(r2)
	ldw r21, _thread_offset_to_r21(r2)
	ldw r22, _thread_offset_to_r22(r2)
	ldw r23, _thread_offset_to_r23(r2)
	ldw r28, _thread_offset_to_r28(r2)
	ldw ra,  _thread_offset_to_ra(r2)
	ldw sp,  _thread_offset_to_sp(r2)

	/* We need to irq_unlock(current->coopReg.key);
	 * key was supplied as argument to __swap(). Fetch it.
	ldw r3, _thread_offset_to_key(r2)

	 * Load return value into r2 (return value register). -EAGAIN unless
	 * someone previously called z_set_thread_return_value(). Do this before
	 * we potentially unlock interrupts.
	ldw r2, _thread_offset_to_retval(r2)

	/* Now do  irq_unlock(current->coopReg.key) */
		(defined ALT_CPU_EIC_PRESENT) || \
		(defined ALT_CPU_MMU_PRESENT) || \
	andi r3, r3, NIOS2_STATUS_PIE_MSK
	beq r3, zero, no_unlock
	rdctl r3, status
	ori r3, r3, NIOS2_STATUS_PIE_MSK
	wrctl status, r3

	wrctl status, r3

	/* Get a reference to _kernel in r10 */
	movhi r10, %hi(_kernel)
	ori   r10, r10, %lo(_kernel)

	ldw  r11, _kernel_offset_to_current(r10)
	stw r2, _thread_offset_to_r16(r11)
	stw r3, _thread_offset_to_r17(r11)
	stw r4, _thread_offset_to_r18(r11)
	stw ra,  _thread_offset_to_ra(r11)
	stw sp,  _thread_offset_to_sp(r11)

	call read_timer_end_of_swap

	/* Get a reference to _kernel in r10 */
	movhi r10, %hi(_kernel)
	ori   r10, r10, %lo(_kernel)

	/* Get the pointer to kernel->current */
	ldw  r11, _kernel_offset_to_current(r10)
	ldw r2, _thread_offset_to_r16(r11)
	ldw r3, _thread_offset_to_r17(r11)
	ldw r4, _thread_offset_to_r18(r11)
	ldw ra,  _thread_offset_to_ra(r11)
	ldw sp,  _thread_offset_to_sp(r11)

/* void z_thread_entry_wrapper(void)
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_thread_entry_wrapper)
	/* This all corresponds to struct init_stack_frame defined in
	 * thread.c. We need to take this stuff off the stack and put
	 * it in the appropriate registers

	/* Can't return from here, just put NULL in ra */
	movi ra, 0

	/* Calling convention has first 4 arguments in registers r4-r7. */
	ldw  r4, 0(sp)
	ldw  r5, 4(sp)
	ldw  r6, 8(sp)
	ldw  r7, 12(sp)

	/* pop all the stuff that we just loaded into registers */
	addi sp, sp, 16

	call z_thread_entry