1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 | /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <kernel.h> #include <zephyr/types.h> #include <system_timer.h> #include <xtensa_rtos.h> #include <xtensa/tie/xt_timer.h> #include <xtensa_timer.h> #include "irq.h" #ifdef XT_BOARD #include <xtensa/xtbsp.h> #endif #include "xtensa_rtos.h" /* * This device driver can be also used with an extenal timer instead of * the internal one that may simply not exist. * The below macros are used to abstract the timer HW interface assuming that * it allows implementing them. * Of course depending on the HW specific requirements, part of the code may * need to changed. We tried to identify this code and hoghlight it to users. * * User shall track the TODO flags and follow the instruction to adapt the code * according to his HW. */ /* Abstraction macros to access the timer fire time register */ #if CONFIG_XTENSA_INTERNAL_TIMER || (CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ < 0) #define _XT_SR_CCOMPARE(op, idx) XT_##op##SR_CCOMPARE##idx #define XT_SR_CCOMPARE(op, idx) _XT_SR_CCOMPARE(op, idx) /* Use XT_TIMER_INDEX to select XT_CHAL macro to access CCOMPAREx register */ #define GET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(void) XT_SR_CCOMPARE(R, XT_TIMER_INDEX)() #define SET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(time) XT_SR_CCOMPARE(W, XT_TIMER_INDEX)(time) #define GET_TIMER_CURRENT_TIME(void) XT_RSR_CCOUNT() #define XTENSA_RSR(sr) \ ({u32_t v; \ __asm__ volatile ("rsr." #sr " %0" : "=a"(v)); \ v; }) #define XTENSA_WSR(sr, v) \ ({__asm__ volatile ("wsr." #sr " %0" :: "a"(v)); }) #ifndef XT_RSR_CCOUNT #define XT_RSR_CCOUNT() XTENSA_RSR(ccount) #endif #ifndef XT_RSR_CCOMPARE0 #define XT_RSR_CCOMPARE0() XTENSA_RSR(ccompare0) #endif #ifndef XT_RSR_CCOMPARE1 #define XT_RSR_CCOMPARE1() XTENSA_RSR(ccompare1) #endif #ifndef XT_RSR_CCOMPARE2 #define XT_RSR_CCOMPARE2() XTENSA_RSR(ccompare2) #endif #ifndef XT_WSR_CCOMPARE0 #define XT_WSR_CCOMPARE0(v) XTENSA_WSR(ccompare0, v) #endif #ifndef XT_WSR_CCOMPARE1 #define XT_WSR_CCOMPARE1(v) XTENSA_WSR(ccompare1, v) #endif #ifndef XT_WSR_CCOMPARE2 #define XT_WSR_CCOMPARE2(v) XTENSA_WSR(ccompare2, v) #endif /* Value underwich, don't program next tick but trigger it immediately. */ #define MIN_TIMER_PROG_DELAY 50 #else /* Case of an external timer which is not emulated by internal timer */ /* TODO: User who wants ot use and external timer should ensure that: * - CONFIG_XTENSA_INTERNAL_TIMER is unset * - CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ > 0 * - Macros below are correctly implemented */ #define GET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(void) /* TODO: Implement this case */ #define SET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(time) /* TODO: Implement this case */ #define GET_TIMER_CURRENT_TIME(void) /* TODO: Implement this case */ /* Value underwich, don't program next tick but trigger it immediately. */ #define MIN_TIMER_PROG_DELAY 50 /* TODO: Update this value */ #endif /* CONFIG_XTENSA_INTERNAL_TIMER || (CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ < 0) */ #ifdef CONFIG_TICKLESS_IDLE #define TIMER_MODE_PERIODIC 0 /* normal running mode */ #define TIMER_MODE_ONE_SHOT 1 /* emulated, since sysTick has 1 mode */ #define IDLE_NOT_TICKLESS 0 /* non-tickless idle mode */ #define IDLE_TICKLESS 1 /* tickless idle mode */ extern s32_t _sys_idle_elapsed_ticks; static u32_t __noinit cycles_per_tick; static u32_t __noinit max_system_ticks; static u32_t idle_original_ticks; static u32_t __noinit max_load_value; static unsigned char timer_mode = TIMER_MODE_PERIODIC; static unsigned char idle_mode = IDLE_NOT_TICKLESS; static ALWAYS_INLINE void tickless_idle_init(void) { cycles_per_tick = sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_tick; /* calculate the max number of ticks with this 32-bit H/W counter */ max_system_ticks = 0xffffffff / cycles_per_tick; max_load_value = max_system_ticks * cycles_per_tick; } /* * @brief Place the system timer into idle state * * Re-program the timer to enter into the idle state for either the given * number of ticks or the maximum number of ticks that can be programmed * into hardware. * * @return N/A */ void _timer_idle_enter(s32_t ticks) { u32_t P; /* Programming (current) time */ u32_t F; /* Idle timer fire time */ u32_t f; /* Last programmed timer fire time */ if ((ticks == K_FOREVER) || (ticks > max_system_ticks)) { /* * The number of cycles until the timer must fire next might * not fit in the 32-bit counter register. To work around this, * program the counter to fire in the maximum number of ticks. */ idle_original_ticks = max_system_ticks - 1; } else { /* Leave one tick margin time to react when coming back */ idle_original_ticks = ticks - 1; } /* Set timer to virtual "one shot" mode. */ timer_mode = TIMER_MODE_ONE_SHOT; idle_mode = IDLE_TICKLESS; /* * We're being asked to have the timer fire in "ticks" from now. To * maintain accuracy we must account for the remaining time left in the * timer to the next tick to fire, so that the programmed fire time * corresponds always on a tick bondary. */ P = GET_TIMER_CURRENT_TIME(); f = GET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(); /* * Get the time of last tick. As we are entring idle mode we are sure * that |f - P| < cycles_per_tick. * |-------f----P---|--------|--------|----F---|--------|--------| * |-------|----P---f--------|--------|----F---|--------|--------| * P f-----------s--------->F */ if (f < P) { f = f + cycles_per_tick; } F = f + idle_original_ticks * cycles_per_tick; /* Program the timer register to fire at the right time */ SET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(F); } /** * * @brief Handling of tickless idle when interrupted * * The routine, called by _sys_power_save_idle_exit, is responsible for taking * the timer out of idle mode and generating an interrupt at the next * tick interval. It is expected that interrupts have been disabled. * Note that in this routine, _sys_idle_elapsed_ticks must be zero because the * ticker has done its work and consumed all the ticks. This has to be true * otherwise idle mode wouldn't have been entered in the first place. * * @return N/A */ void _timer_idle_exit(void) { u32_t C; /* Current time (time within this function execution) */ u32_t F; /* Idle timer programmed fire time */ u32_t s; /* Requested idle timer sleep time */ u32_t e; /* elapsed "Cer time" */ u32_t r; /*reamining time to the timer to expire */ if (timer_mode == TIMER_MODE_PERIODIC) { /* * The timer interrupt handler is handling a completed tickless * idle * or this has been called by mistake; there's nothing to do * here. */ return; } /* * This is a tricky logic where we use the particularity of unsigned * integers computation and overflow/underflow to check for timer expiry * In adddition to above defined variables, let's define following ones: * P := Programming time (time within _timer_idle_enter execution) * M := Maximum programmable value (0xFFFFFFFF) * * First case: 0----fired---->P-----not fired---->F---------------fired------------M 0 P<------------s-----F M 0 P C<---r-----F M 0 C<---------P-------------r-----F M 0--------------P-------------r-----F C<----------------M * * Second case: 0--not fired-->F-------fired------>P--------------not-fired---------M 0--------s-----F P<-------------------------------M 0--------r-----F C<---------P--------------------------------M 0 C<---r-----F P M 0--------r-----F P C<----------------M * * On both case, the timer fired when and only when r >= s. */ F = GET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(); s = idle_original_ticks * cycles_per_tick; /* also s = F - P; */ C = GET_TIMER_CURRENT_TIME(); r = F - C; /* * Announce elapsed ticks to the kernel. Note we are guaranteed * that the timer ISR will execute before the tick event is serviced, * so _sys_idle_elapsed_ticks is adjusted to account for it. */ e = s - r; /* also e = (C > P ? C - P : C - P + M); */ _sys_idle_elapsed_ticks = e / cycles_per_tick; if (r >= s) { /* * The timer expired. There is nothing to do for this use case. * There is no need to reprogram the timer, the interrupt is * being serviced, and the timer ISR will be called after this * function returns. */ } else { /* * System was interrupted before the timer fires. * Reprogram to fire on tick edge: F := C + (r % cpt). */ F = C + (r - _sys_idle_elapsed_ticks * cycles_per_tick); C = GET_TIMER_CURRENT_TIME(); /* Update current time value */ if (F - C < MIN_TIMER_PROG_DELAY) { /* * We are too close to the next tick edge. Let's fire * it manually and reprogram timer to fire on next one. */ F += cycles_per_tick; _sys_idle_elapsed_ticks += 1; } SET_TIMER_FIRE_TIME(F); } if (_sys_idle_elapsed_ticks) { _sys_clock_tick_announce(); } /* Exit timer idle mode */ idle_mode = IDLE_NOT_TICKLESS; timer_mode = TIMER_MODE_PERIODIC; } #endif /* CONFIG_TICKLESS_IDLE */ #if CONFIG_XTENSA_INTERNAL_TIMER || (CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ < 0) // Internal timer extern void _zxt_tick_timer_init(void); unsigned int _xt_tick_divisor; /* cached number of cycles per tick */ /* * Compute and initialize at run-time the tick divisor (the number of * processor clock cycles in an RTOS tick, used to set the tick timer). * Called when the processor clock frequency is not known at compile-time. */ void _xt_tick_divisor_init(void) { #ifdef XT_CLOCK_FREQ _xt_tick_divisor = (XT_CLOCK_FREQ / XT_TICK_PER_SEC); #else #ifdef XT_BOARD _xt_tick_divisor = xtbsp_clock_freq_hz() / XT_TICK_PER_SEC; #else #error "No way to obtain processor clock frequency" #endif /* XT_BOARD */ #endif /* XT_CLOCK_FREQ */ } #endif /* CONFIG_XTENSA_INTERNAL_TIMER || (CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ < 0) */ /** * * @brief System clock tick handler * * This routine handles the system clock periodic tick interrupt. It always * announces one tick by pushing a TICK_EVENT event onto the kernel stack. * * @return N/A */ void _timer_int_handler(void *params) { ARG_UNUSED(params); #ifdef CONFIG_KERNEL_EVENT_LOGGER_INTERRUPT extern void _sys_k_event_logger_interrupt(void); _sys_k_event_logger_interrupt(); #endif /* Announce the tick event to the kernel. */ _sys_clock_final_tick_announce(); } /** * * @brief Initialize and enable the system clock * * This routine is used to program the systick to deliver interrupts at the * rate specified via the 'sys_clock_us_per_tick' global variable. * * @return 0 */ int _sys_clock_driver_init(struct device *device) { #if CONFIG_XTENSA_INTERNAL_TIMER || (CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ < 0) _xt_tick_divisor_init(); /* Set up periodic tick timer (assume enough time to complete init). */ _zxt_tick_timer_init(); #else /* Case of an external timer which is not emulated by internal timer */ /* * The code below is just an example code that is provided for Xtensa * customers as an example of how to support external timers. * The TODOs are here to tell customer what shall be re-implemented. * This implementation is not fake, it works with an external timer that * is provided as a systemC example and that could be plugged by using: * make run EMU_PLATFORM=xtsc-run. * * * The address below is that of the systemC timer example, provided in * ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/board/xt-sim/xtsc-models/external-irqs. * Hopefully, this hard-coded address doesn't conflict with anything * User needs for sure to rewrite this code to fit his timer. * I do agree that this hope is unlikely to be satisfied, but users who * don't have external timer will never hit here, and those who do, will * for sure modify this code in order to initialize their HW. */ /* TODO: Implement this case: remove below code and write yours */ volatile u32_t *p_mmio = (u32_t *) 0xC0000000; /* start HW reg */ u32_t interrupt = 0x00000000; /* Start the timer: Trigger the interrupt source drivers */ *p_mmio = 0xFFFFFFFF; *p_mmio = interrupt; /* * Code above is example code, it is kept here on purpose to let users * find all code related to external timer support on the same file. * They will have to rewrite this anyway. * * Code below (enabling timer IRQ) is likely to reamin as is. */ /* Enable the interrupt handler */ irq_enable(CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ); #endif /* CONFIG_XTENSA_INTERNAL_TIMER || (CONFIG_XTENSA_TIMER_IRQ < 0) */ #if CONFIG_TICKLESS_IDLE tickless_idle_init(); #endif return 0; } /** * * @brief Read the platform's timer hardware * * This routine returns the current time in terms of timer hardware clock * cycles. * * @return up counter of elapsed clock cycles */ u32_t _timer_cycle_get_32(void) { return GET_TIMER_CURRENT_TIME(); } |