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 * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @file
 * @brief Network Management API public header

#ifndef __NET_MGMT_H__
#define __NET_MGMT_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief Network Management
 * @defgroup net_mgmt Network Management
 * @{

#include <misc/__assert.h>
#include <net/net_core.h>

struct net_if;

 * @brief NET MGMT event mask basics, normalizing parts of bit fields
#define NET_MGMT_EVENT_MASK		0x80000000
#define NET_MGMT_ON_IFACE_MASK		0x40000000
#define NET_MGMT_LAYER_MASK		0x30000000
#define NET_MGMT_SYNC_EVENT_MASK	0x08000000


#define NET_MGMT_LAYER(_layer)		(_layer << 28)
#define NET_MGMT_LAYER_CODE(_code)	(_code << 16)

#define NET_MGMT_EVENT(mgmt_request)		\
	(mgmt_request & NET_MGMT_EVENT_MASK)

#define NET_MGMT_ON_IFACE(mgmt_request)		\
	(mgmt_request & NET_MGMT_ON_IFACE_MASK)

#define NET_MGMT_EVENT_SYNCHRONOUS(mgmt_request)	\
	(mgmt_request & NET_MGMT_SYNC_EVENT_MASK)

#define NET_MGMT_GET_LAYER(mgmt_request)	\
	((mgmt_request & NET_MGMT_LAYER_MASK) >> 28)

#define NET_MGMT_GET_LAYER_CODE(mgmt_request)	\
	((mgmt_request & NET_MGMT_LAYER_CODE_MASK) >> 16)

#define NET_MGMT_GET_COMMAND(mgmt_request)	\
	(mgmt_request & NET_MGMT_COMMAND_MASK)

/* Useful generic definitions */
#define NET_MGMT_LAYER_L1		1
#define NET_MGMT_LAYER_L2		2
#define NET_MGMT_LAYER_L3		3

#include <net/net_event.h>

 * @typedef net_mgmt_request_handler_t
 * @brief Signature which all Net MGMT request handler need to follow
 * @param mgmt_request The exact request value the handler is being called
 *        through
 * @param iface A valid pointer on struct net_if if the request is meant
 *        to be tight to a network interface. NULL otherwise.
 * @param data A valid pointer on a data understood by the handler.
 *        NULL otherwise.
 * @param len Length in byte of the memory pointed by data.
typedef int (*net_mgmt_request_handler_t)(u32_t mgmt_request,
					  struct net_if *iface,
					  void *data, size_t len);

#define net_mgmt(_mgmt_request, _iface, _data, _len)			\
	net_mgmt_##_mgmt_request(_mgmt_request, _iface, _data, _len)

#define NET_MGMT_DEFINE_REQUEST_HANDLER(_mgmt_request)			\
	extern int net_mgmt_##_mgmt_request(u32_t mgmt_request,	\
					    struct net_if *iface,	\
					    void *data, size_t len)

#define NET_MGMT_REGISTER_REQUEST_HANDLER(_mgmt_request, _func)	\
	FUNC_ALIAS(_func, net_mgmt_##_mgmt_request, int)

struct net_mgmt_event_callback;

 * @typedef net_mgmt_event_handler_t
 * @brief Define the user's callback handler function signature
 * @param "struct net_mgmt_event_callback *cb"
 *        Original struct net_mgmt_event_callback owning this handler.
 * @param "u32_t mgmt_event" The network event being notified.
 * @param "struct net_if *iface" A pointer on a struct net_if to which the
 *        the event belongs to, if it's an event on an iface. NULL otherwise.
typedef void (*net_mgmt_event_handler_t)(struct net_mgmt_event_callback *cb,
					 u32_t mgmt_event,
					 struct net_if *iface);

 * @brief Network Management event callback structure
 * Used to register a callback into the network management event part, in order
 * to let the owner of this struct to get network event notification based on
 * given event mask.
struct net_mgmt_event_callback {
	/** Meant to be used internally, to insert the callback into a list.
	 * So nobody should mess with it.
	sys_snode_t node;

	union {
		/** Actual callback function being used to notify the owner
		net_mgmt_event_handler_t handler;
		/** Semaphore meant to be used internaly for the synchronous
		 * net_mgmt_event_wait() function.
		struct k_sem *sync_call;

	/** A mask of network events on which the above handler should be
	 * called in case those events come. Such mask can be modified
	 * whenever necessary by the owner, and thus will affect the handler
	 * being called or not.
	union {
		/** A mask of network events on which the above handler should
		 * be called in case those events come. Such mask can be
		 * modified whenever necessary by the owner, and thus will
		 * affect the handler being called or not.
		u32_t event_mask;
		/** Internal place holder when a synchronous event wait is
		 * successfully unlocked on a event.
		u32_t raised_event;

 * @brief Helper to initialize a struct net_mgmt_event_callback properly
 * @param cb A valid application's callback structure pointer.
 * @param handler A valid handler function pointer.
 * @param mgmt_event_mask A mask of relevant events for the handler
static inline
void net_mgmt_init_event_callback(struct net_mgmt_event_callback *cb,
				  net_mgmt_event_handler_t handler,
				  u32_t mgmt_event_mask)
	__ASSERT(cb, "Callback pointer should not be NULL");
	__ASSERT(handler, "Handler pointer should not be NULL");

	cb->handler = handler;
	cb->event_mask = mgmt_event_mask;

 * @brief Add a user callback
 * @param cb A valid pointer on user's callback to add.
void net_mgmt_add_event_callback(struct net_mgmt_event_callback *cb);

 * @brief Delete a user callback
 * @param cb A valid pointer on user's callback to delete.
void net_mgmt_del_event_callback(struct net_mgmt_event_callback *cb);

 * @brief Used by the system to notify an event.
 * @param mgmt_event The actual network event code to notify
 * @param iface a valid pointer on a struct net_if if only the event is
 *        based on an iface. NULL otherwise.
void net_mgmt_event_notify(u32_t mgmt_event, struct net_if *iface);

 * @brief Used to wait synchronously on an event mask
 * @param mgmt_event_mask A mask of relevant events to wait on.
 * @param raised_event a pointer on a u32_t to get which event from
 *        the mask generated the event. Can be NULL if the caller is not
 *        interested in that information.
 * @param iface a pointer on a place holder for the iface on which the
 *        event has originated from. This is valid if only the event mask
 *        has bit NET_MGMT_IFACE_BIT set relevantly, depending on events
 *        the caller wants to listen to.
 * @param timeout a delay in milliseconds. K_FOREVER can be used to wait
 *        indefinitely.
 * @return 0 on success, a negative error code otherwise. -ETIMEDOUT will
 *         be specifically returned if the timeout kick-in instead of an
 *         actual event.
int net_mgmt_event_wait(u32_t mgmt_event_mask,
			u32_t *raised_event,
			struct net_if **iface,
			int timeout);

 * @brief Used to wait synchronously on an event mask for a specific iface
 * @param iface a pointer on a valid network interface to listen event to
 * @param mgmt_event_mask A mask of relevant events to wait on. Listened
 *        to events should be relevant to iface events and thus have the bit
 *        NET_MGMT_IFACE_BIT set.
 * @param raised_event a pointer on a u32_t to get which event from
 *        the mask generated the event. Can be NULL if the caller is not
 *        interested in that information.
 * @param timeout a delay in milliseconds. K_FOREVER can be used to wait
 *        indefinitely.
 * @return 0 on success, a negative error code otherwise. -ETIMEDOUT will
 *         be specifically returned if the timeout kick-in instead of an
 *         actual event.
int net_mgmt_event_wait_on_iface(struct net_if *iface,
				 u32_t mgmt_event_mask,
				 u32_t *raised_event,
				 int timeout);

 * @brief Used by the core of the network stack to initialize the network
 *        event processing.
void net_mgmt_event_init(void);
#define net_mgmt_init_event_callback(...)
#define net_mgmt_add_event_callback(...)
#define net_mgmt_event_notify(...)
#define net_mgmt_event_init(...)

static inline int net_mgmt_event_wait(u32_t mgmt_event_mask,
				      u32_t *raised_event,
				      struct net_if **iface,
				      int timeout)
	return 0;

static inline int net_mgmt_event_wait_on_iface(struct net_if *iface,
					       u32_t mgmt_event_mask,
					       u32_t *raised_event,
					       int timeout)
	return 0;


 * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __NET_MGMT_H__ */