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Make sure the SPI master hardware supports this frequency. config LIS2DH_I2C_ADDR hex "LIS2DH I2C address" depends on LIS2DH && LIS2DH_BUS_I2C default 0x18 help I2C address of the LIS2DH sensor. 0x18: Choose this option if the SDO pin is pulled to GND. 0x19: Choose this option if the SDO pin is pulled to VDDIO. config LIS2DH_I2C_MASTER_DEV_NAME string prompt "I2C master where LIS2DH is connected" depends on LIS2DH && LIS2DH_BUS_I2C default "I2C_0" help Specify the device name of the I2C master device to which LIS2DH is connected. choice prompt "Trigger mode" depends on LIS2DH default LIS2DH_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD help Specify the type of triggering to be used by the driver. config LIS2DH_TRIGGER_NONE bool "No trigger" config LIS2DH_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD bool "Use global thread" depends on GPIO select LIS2DH_TRIGGER config LIS2DH_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD bool "Use own thread" depends on GPIO select LIS2DH_TRIGGER endchoice config LIS2DH_TRIGGER bool depends on LIS2DH config LIS2DH_GPIO_DEV_NAME string "GPIO device" default "GPIO_0" depends on LIS2DH && LIS2DH_TRIGGER help The device name of the GPIO device to which the LIS2DH interrupt pins are connected. config LIS2DH_INT1_GPIO_PIN int "Interrupt 1 GPIO pin number" range 0 254 default 25 depends on LIS2DH && LIS2DH_TRIGGER help The number of the GPIO on which the interrupt 1 signal from the LIS2DH chip will be received. config LIS2DH_INT2_GPIO_PIN int "Interrupt 2 GPIO pin number" range 0 254 default 26 depends on LIS2DH && LIS2DH_TRIGGER help The number of the GPIO on which the interrupt 2 signal from the LIS2DH chip will be received. config LIS2DH_THREAD_PRIORITY int "Thread priority" depends on LIS2DH && LIS2DH_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD default 10 help Priority of thread used by the driver to handle interrupts. config LIS2DH_THREAD_STACK_SIZE int "Thread stack size" depends on LIS2DH && LIS2DH_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD default 1024 help Stack size of thread used by the driver to handle interrupts. choice prompt "Acceleration measurement range" depends on LIS2DH default LIS2DH_ACCEL_RANGE_RUNTIME help Initial measurement full scale range for acceleration values. config LIS2DH_ACCEL_RANGE_RUNTIME bool "Set at runtime" config LIS2DH_ACCEL_RANGE_2G bool "+/-2g" config LIS2DH_ACCEL_RANGE_4G bool "+/-4g" config LIS2DH_ACCEL_RANGE_8G bool "+/-8g" config LIS2DH_ACCEL_RANGE_16G bool "+/-16g" endchoice choice prompt "Power mode" depends on LIS2DH default LIS2DH_POWER_MODE_NORMAL help Choose between normal or low power operation mode for chip at init. config LIS2DH_POWER_MODE_NORMAL bool "normal" config LIS2DH_POWER_MODE_LOW bool "low" endchoice choice prompt "Output data rate frequency" depends on LIS2DH default LIS2DH_ODR_RUNTIME help Initial data rate frequency of acceleration data at initialization. Supported values: 1Hz, 10Hz, 25Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 400Hz in all power modes 1620Hz, 5376Hz in low power mode only 1344Hz in normal power mode config LIS2DH_ODR_RUNTIME bool "Set at runtime" config LIS2DH_ODR_1 bool "1Hz" config LIS2DH_ODR_2 bool "10Hz" config LIS2DH_ODR_3 bool "25Hz" config LIS2DH_ODR_4 bool "50Hz" config LIS2DH_ODR_5 bool "100Hz" config LIS2DH_ODR_6 bool "200Hz" config LIS2DH_ODR_7 bool "400Hz" config LIS2DH_ODR_8 bool "1.6KHz" depends on LIS2DH_POWER_MODE_LOW config LIS2DH_ODR_9_NORMAL bool "1.25KHz" depends on LIS2DH_POWER_MODE_NORMAL config LIS2DH_ODR_9_LOW bool "5KHz" depends on LIS2DH_POWER_MODE_LOW endchoice |