/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /** * @file @brief task_offload_to_fiber() function for legacy applications * * For the legacy applications that need task_offload_to_fiber() function, * the moduel implements it by means of using work queue */ #include <kernel.h> #include <kernel_structs.h> #include <ksched.h> #include <init.h> struct offload_work { struct k_work work_item; int (*offload_func)(); void *offload_args; struct k_thread *thread; }; static struct k_work_q offload_work_q; /* * Internal handler of the offload requests */ static void offload_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct offload_work *offload = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct offload_work, work_item); int result = (offload->offload_func)(offload->offload_args); unsigned int key = irq_lock(); offload->thread->base.swap_data = (void *)result; irq_unlock(key); } int task_offload_to_fiber(int (*func)(), void *argp) { /* * Create work in stack. Task is scheduled out and does not * return until the work is consumed and complete, so the * work item will exists until then. */ struct offload_work offload = { .offload_func = func, .offload_args = argp }; __ASSERT(_is_preempt(_current), "Fiber is trying to offload work"); k_work_init(&offload.work_item, offload_handler); offload.thread = _current; k_work_submit_to_queue(&offload_work_q, &offload.work_item); return (int)_current->base.swap_data; } static char __stack offload_work_q_stack[CONFIG_OFFLOAD_WORKQUEUE_STACK_SIZE]; static int k_offload_work_q_init(struct device *dev) { ARG_UNUSED(dev); k_work_q_start(&offload_work_q, offload_work_q_stack, sizeof(offload_work_q_stack), CONFIG_OFFLOAD_WORKQUEUE_PRIORITY); return 0; } SYS_INIT(k_offload_work_q_init, POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); |