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.. _96b_nitrogen_board:

96Boards Nitrogen


Zephyr applications use the 96b_nitrogen board configuration to run on the
96Boards Nitrogen hardware. It provides support for the Nordic Semiconductor
nRF52832 ARM Cortex-M4F CPU.

.. figure:: img/96b-nitrogen-front.png
     :width: 487px
     :align: center
     :alt: 96Boards Nitrogen

     96Boards Nitrogen

More information about the board can be found at the `seeed BLE Nitrogen`_
website. The `Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter`_ contains the processor's
information and the datasheet.


96Boards Nitrogen provides the following hardware components:

- nRF52832 microcontroller with 512kB Flash, 64kB RAM
- ARM |reg| 32-bit Cortex |reg|-M4 CPU with FPU
- Bluetooth LE
- LPC11U35 on board SWD debugger

  - SWD debugger firmware
  - USB to UART
  - Drag and Drop firmware upgrade

- 7 LEDs

  - USR1, BT, PWR, CDC, DAP, MSD, Battery charge

- SWD debug connectors

  - nRF52832 SWD connector
  - nRF52832 Uart connector

- On board chip antenna
- 1.8V work voltage
- 2x20pin 2.0mm pitch Low speed connector

Supported Features

The Zephyr 96b_nitrogen board configuration supports the following hardware

| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component                     |
| NVIC      | on-chip    | nested vectored interrupt controller |
| RTC       | on-chip    | system clock                         |
| UART      | on-chip    | serial port                          |
| GPIO      | on-chip    | gpio                                 |
| FLASH     | on-chip    | flash                                |
| RADIO     | on-chip    | Bluetooth                            |
| RTT       | on-chip    | console                              |

Other hardware features are not supported by the Zephyr kernel.
See `Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter`_ for a complete list of nRF52-based
board hardware features.

The default configuration can be found in the defconfig file:


Pin Mapping


- LED1 / User LED (green) = P0.29
- LED2 / BT LED (blue) = P0.28

Push buttons

- BUTTON = SW1 = P0.27

External Connectors

Low Speed Header

| PIN #  | Signal Name | nRF52832 Functions   |
| 1      | GND         | GND                  |
| 3      | UART CTS    | P.014 / TRACEDATA[3] |
| 5      | UART TX     | P0.13                |
| 7      | UART RX     | P0.15 / TRACEDATA[2] |
| 9      | UART RTS    | P0.12                |
| 11     | UART TX     | P0.13                |
| 13     | UART RX     | P0.15 / TRACEDATA[2] |
| 15     | P0.22       | P0.22                |
| 17     | P0.20       | P0.20                |
| 19     | N/A         | N/A                  |
| 21     | N/A         | N/A                  |
| 23     | P0.02       | P0.02                |
| 25     | P0.04       | P0.04                |
| 27     | P0.06       | P0.06                |
| 29     | P0.08       | P0.08                |
| 31     | P0.16       | P0.16                |
| 33     | P0.18       | P0.18                |
| 35     | VCC         |                      |
| 37     | USB5V       |                      |
| 39     | GND         | GND                  |

| PIN #  | Signal Name | nRF52832 Functions   |
| 2      | GND         | GND                  |
| 4      | PWR BTN     |                      |
| 6      | RST BTN     | P0.21 / RESET        |
| 8      | P0.26       | P0.26                |
| 10     | P0.25       | P0.25                |
| 12     | P0.24       | P0.24                |
| 14     | P0.23       | P0.23                |
| 16     | N/A         | N/A                  |
| 18     | N/A         | PC7                  |
| 20     | N/A         | PC9                  |
| 22     | N/A         | PB8                  |
| 24     | P0.03       | P0.03                |
| 26     | P0.05       | P0.05                |
| 28     | P0.07       | P0.07                |
| 30     | P0.11       | P0.11                |
| 32     | P0.17       | P0.17                |
| 34     | P0.19       | P0.19                |
| 36     | NC          |                      |
| 38     | NC          |                      |
| 40     | GND         | GND                  |

System Clock

nRF52 has two external oscillators. The frequency of the slow clock is
32.768 kHz. The frequency of the main clock is 32 MHz.

Flashing Zephyr onto 96Boards Nitrogen

The 96Boards Nitrogen board can be flashed via the `CMSIS DAP`_ interface,
which is provided by the micro USB interface to the LPC11U35 chip.

Using the CMSIS-DAP interface, the board can be flashed via the USB storage
interface (drag-and-drop) and also via `pyOCD`_.

Installing pyOCD

The latest stable version of `pyOCD`_ can be installed via pip as follows:

.. code-block:: console

   $ pip install --pre -U pyocd

To install the latest development version (master branch), do the following:

.. code-block:: console

   $ pip install --pre -U git+

You can then verify that your board is detected by pyOCD by running:

.. code-block:: console

   $ pyocd-flashtool -l

Common Errors

No connected boards

If you don't use sudo when invoking pyocd-flashtool, you might get any of the
following errors:

.. code-block:: console

   No available boards are connected

.. code-block:: console

   No connected boards

.. code-block:: console

   Error: There is no board connected.

To fix the permission issue, simply add the following udev rule for the
NXP LPC1768 interface:

.. code-block:: console

   $ echo 'ATTR{idProduct}=="0204", ATTR{idVendor}=="0d28", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/50-cmsis-dap.rules

Finally, unplug and plug the board again.

ValueError: The device has no langid

As described by `pyOCD issue 259`_, you might get the
:code:`ValueError: The device has no langid` error when not running
pyOCD as root (e.g. sudo).

To fix the above error, add the udev rule shown in the previous section
and install a more recent version of pyOCD.

Flashing an Application to 96Boards Nitrogen

Here is an example for the :ref:`hello_world` application. This
requires installing the :ref:`nxp_opensda_pyocd` tools.

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
   :board: 96b_nitrogen
   :goals: build flash

Run your favorite terminal program to listen for output.

.. code-block:: console

   $ minicom -D <tty_device> -b 115200

Replace :code:`<tty_device>` with the port where the board 96Boards Nitrogen
can be found. For example, under Linux, :code:`/dev/ttyACM0`.
The ``-b`` option sets baud rate ignoring the value from config.

Press the Reset button and you should see the the following message in your

.. code-block:: console

   Hello World! arm

Debugging with GDB

You can debug an application in the usual way.  Here is an example for the
:ref:`hello_world` application. This also requires pyOCD.

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
   :board: 96b_nitrogen
   :goals: debug

.. _pyOCD:


.. _Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter:

.. _seeed BLE Nitrogen:

.. _pyOCD issue 259: