1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 | Exceptions, Interrupts and World Contexts ========================================= This document describes how optee_os handles switches of world execution context based on SMC exceptions and interrupt notifications Interrupt notifications are IRQ/FIQ exceptions which may also imply switching of world execution context: normal world to secure world, or secure world to normal world. ## Content 1. [Context Switches and Exceptions](#1-context-switches-and-exceptions) 2. [Normal World Invokes the optee_os Through a SMC](#2-normal-world-invokes-the-optee_os-through-a-smc) 3. [Deliver a Non-Secure Interrupt to the Normal World](#3-deliver-a-non-secure-interrupt-to-the-normal-world) 4. [Deliver a Secure Interrupt to the Secure World](#4-deliver-a-secure-interrupt-to-the-secure-world) 5. [Trusted Thread Scheduling](#5-trusted-thread-scheduling) # 1. Context Switches and Exceptions ## 1.1. Usecases of world context switch This section lists all the cases where optee_os is involved in world context switches. Optee_os executes in the secure world. World switch are done by the cores secure monitor level/mode, referred below as the Monitor. When the normal world invokes the secure world, the normal world executes a SMC instruction. The SMC exception is always trapped by the Monitor. If the related service targets the trusted OS, the Monitor will switch to optee_os world execution. When the secure world returns to the normal world, optee_os executes a SMC that is caught by the Monitor which switches back to the normal world. When a secure interrupt is signaled by the ARM GIC, it shall reach the optee_os interrupt exception vector. If the secure world is executing, optee_os will handle straight the interrupt from its exception vector. If the normal world is executing when the secure interrupt raises, the Monitor vector must handle the exception and invoke the optee_os to serve the interrupt. When a non-secure interrupt is signaled by the ARM GIC, it shall reach the normal world interrupt exception vector. If the normal world is executing, it will handle straight the exception from its exception vector. If the secure world is executing when the non-secure interrupt raises, optee_os will temporarily return back to normal world via the Monitor to let normal world serve the interrupt. ## 1.2. Core Exception Vectors Monitor vector is VBAR_EL3 in AArch64 and MVBAR in ARMv7/AArch32. Monitor can be reached while normal world or secure world is executing. The executing secure state is known to the Monitor through the SCR_NS. Monitor can be reached from a SMC exception, an IRQ or FIQ exception (so-called interrupts) and from asynchronous aborts. Obviously monitor aborts (data, prefetch, undef) are local to the Monitor execution. The Monitor can be external to optee_os (case CFG_WITH_ARM_TRUSTED_FW=y). If not, optee_os provides a local secure monitor `core/arch/arm/sm`. ARMv7 platforms should use the optee_os secure monitor. ARMv8 platforms are likely to rely on an [ARM Trusted Firmware](https://github.com/ARM-software/arm-trusted-firmware) When executing outside the Monitor, the system is executing either in the normal world (SCR_NS=1) or in the secure world (SCR_NS=0). Each world owns its own exception vector table (state vector): * VBAR_EL2 or VBAR_EL1 non-secure or VBAR_EL1 secure for AArch64. * HVBAR or VBAR non-secure or VBAR secure for ARMv7 and AArch32. All SMC exceptions are trapped in the Monitor vector. IRQ/FIQ exceptions can be trapped either in the Monitor vector or in the state vector of the executing world. When the normal world is executing, the system is configured to route: - secure interrupts to the Monitor that will forward to optee_os - non-secure interrupts to the executing world exception vector. When the secure world is executing, the system is configured to route: - secure and non-secure interrupts to the executing optee_os exception vector. optee_os shall forward the non-secure interrupts to the normal world. Optee_os non-secure interrupts are always trapped in the state vector of the executing world. This is reflected by a static value of SCR_(IRQ|FIQ). ## 1.3. Optee_os Native and Foreign Interrupts Two types of interrupt are defined in optee_os: * Native interrupt - The interrupt handled by optee_os (for example: secure interrupt) * Foreign interrupt - The interrupt not handled by optee_os (for example: non-secure interrupt which is handled by normal world) For ARM GICv2 mode, native interrupt is sent as FIQ and foreign interrupt is sent as IRQ. For ARM GICv3 mode, foreign interrupt is sent as FIQ which could be handled by either secure world (aarch32 Monitor mode or aarch64 EL3) or normal world. ARM GICv3 mode can be enabled by setting `CFG_ARM_GICV3=y`. For clarity, this document mainly chooses the GICv2 convention and refers the IRQ as optee_os foreign interrupts, and FIQ as optee_os native interrupts. Native interrupts must be securely routed to optee_os. Foreign interrupts, when trapped during secure world execution might need to be efficiently routed to the normal world. # 2. Normal World Invokes the optee_os Through a SMC ## 2.1. Entering the Secure Monitor The monitor manages all entry and exit of secure world. To enter secure world from normal world the monitor saves the state of normal world (general purpose registers and system registers which are not banked) and restores the previous state of secure world. Then a return from exception is performed and the restored secure state is resumed. Exit from secure world to normal world is the reverse. Some general purpose registers are not saved and restored on entry and exit, those are used to pass parameters between secure and normal world (see ARM_DEN0028A_SMC_Calling_Convention for details). ## 2.2. Entry and exit of Trusted OS On entry and exit of Trusted OS each CPU is uses a separate entry stack and runs with IRQ and FIQ blocked. SMCs are categorised in two flavor: fast and standard. For fast SMCs, optee_os will execute on the entry stack with IRQ/FIQ blocked until the execution returns to normal world. For standard SMCs, optee_os will at some point execute the requested service with interrupts unblocked. In order to handle interrupts, mainly forwarding of foreign interrupts, optee_os assigns a trusted thread (core/arch/arm/thread.c) to the SMC request. The trusted thread stores the execution context of the requested service. This context can be suspended and resumed as the requested service executes and is interrupted. The trusted thread is released only once the service execution returns with a completion status. For standard SMCs, optee_os allocates or resumes a trusted thread then unblock the IRQ/FIQ lines. When the optee_os needs to invoke the normal world from a foreign interrupt or a remote service call, optee_os blocks IRQ/FIQ and suspends the trusted thread. When suspeding, optee_os gets back to the entry stack. Both fast and standard SMC end on the entry stack with IRQ/FIQ blocked and optee_os invokes the Monitor through a SMC to return to the normal world.  # 3. Deliver a Non-Secure Interrupt to the Normal World This section uses the ARM GICv1/v2 conventions: IRQ signals non-secure interrupts while FIQ signals secure interrupts. On a GICv3 configuration, one should exchange IRQ and FIQ in this section. ## 3.1. Forward a Foreign Interrupt from Secure World to Normal World When an IRQ is received in secure world as an IRQ exception then secure world: 1. Saves trusted thread context (entire state of all processor modes for ARMv7) 2. Blocks (masks) all interrupts (IRQ and FIQ) 3. Switches to entry stack 4. Issues an SMC with a value to indicates to normal world that an IRQ has been delivered and last SMC call should be continued The monitor restores normal world context with a return code indicating that an IRQ is about to be delivered. Normal world issues a new SMC indicating that it should continue last SMC. The monitor restores secure world context which locates the previously saved context and checks that it is a return from IRQ that is requested before restoring the context and lets the secure world IRQ handler return from exception where the execution would be resumed. Note that the monitor itself does not know/care that it has just forwarded an IRQ to normal world. The bookkeeping is done in the trusted thread handling in Trusted OS. Normal world is responsible to decide when the secure world thread should resume execution. See some details in section [Trusted Thread Scheduling](#5-trusted-thread-scheduling).  ## 3.2. Deliver a non-secure interrupt to normal world when SCR_NS is set Since SCR_IRQ is cleared, an IRQ will be delivered using the state vector (VBAR) in the normal world. The IRQ is received as any other exception by normal world, the monitor and the Trusted OS are not involved at all. # 4. Deliver a Secure Interrupt to the Secure World This section uses the ARM GICv1/v2 conventions: FIQ signals secure interrupts while IRQ signals non-secure interrupts. On a GICv3 configuration, one should exchange IRQ and FIQ in this section. A FIQ can be received during two different states, either in normal world (SCR_NS is set) or in secure world (SCR_NS is cleared). When the secure monitor is active (ARMv8 EL3 or ARMv7 Monitor mode) FIQ is masked. FIQ reception in the two different states is described below. ## 4.1. Deliver FIQ to secure world when SCR_NS is set When the monitor gets an FIQ exception it: 1. Saves normal world context and restores secure world context from last secure world exit (which will have IRQ and FIQ blocked) 2. Clears SCR_FIQ when clearing SCR_NS 3. Sets “FIQ” as parameter to secure world entry 4. Does a return from exception into secure context 5. Secure world unmasks FIQs because of the “FIQ” parameter 6. FIQ is received as in exception using the state vector 7. The state vector handle returns from exception in secure world 8. Secure world issues an SMC to return to normal world 9. Monitor saves secure world context and restores normal world context 10. Does a return from exception into restored context   ## 4.2. Deliver FIQ to secure world when SCR_NS is cleared Since SCR_FIQ is cleared when SCR_NS is cleared a FIQ will be delivered using the state vector (VBAR) in secure world. The FIQ is received as any other exception by Trusted OS, the monitor is not involved at all. # 5. Trusted Thread Scheduling ## 5.1. Trusted Thread for Standard Services OP-TEE standard services are carried through standard SMC. Execution of these services can be interrupted by foreign interrupts. To suspend and restore the service execution, optee_os assigns a trusted thread at standard SMCs entry. The trusted thread terminates when optee_os returns to the normal world with a service completion status. A trusted thread execution can be interrupted by a native interrupt. In this case the native interrupt is handled by the interrupt exception handlers and once served, optee_os returns to the execution trusted thread. A trusted thread execution can be interrupted by a foreign interrupt. In this case, optee_os suspends the trusted thread and invokes the normal world through the Monitor (optee_os so-called RPC services). The trusted threads will resume only once normal world invokes the optee_os with the RPC service status. A trusted thread execution can lead optee_os to invoke a service in normal world: access a file, get the REE current time, etc. The trusted thread is suspended/resumed during remote service execution. ## 5.2. Scheduling Considerations When a trusted thread is interrupted by a foreign interrupt and when optee_os invokes a normal world service, the normal world gets the opportunity to reschedule the running applications. The trusted thread will resume only once the client application is scheduled back. Thus, a trusted thread execution follows the scheduling of the normal world caller context. Optee_os does not implement any thread scheduling. Each trusted thread is expected to track a service that is invoked from the normal world and should return to it with an execution status. The OP-TEE Linux driver (as implemented in drivers/tee/optee since Linux kernel 4.12) is designed so that the Linux thread invoking OP-TEE gets assigned a trusted thread on TEE side. The execution of the trusted thread is tied to the execution of the caller Linux thread which is under the Linux kernel scheduling decision. This means trusted threads are scheduled by the Linux kernel. ## 5.3. Trusted Thread Constraints optee_os handles a static number of trusted threads, `CFG_NUM_THREAD`. Trusted threads are only expensive on memory constrained system, mainly regarding the execution stack size. On SMP systems, optee_os can execute several trusted threads in parallel if the normal world supports scheduling of processes. Even on UP systems, supporting several trusted threads in optee_os helps normal world scheduler to be efficient. |