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# Build system

The OP-TEE build system is based on GNU make. It consists of a main `Makefile`
in the root of the project together with `` files in all source
directories. In addition, some supporting files are used to recursively process
all `` files and generate the build rules.

Name              | Description
`core/`    | Included from `Makefile` to build the TEE Core
`ta/`        | Included from `Makefile` to create the TA devkit
`mk/`   | Create rules to make objects from source files
`mk/`       | Create rules to make a libraries (.a)
`mk/`    | Process `` files recursively
`mk/`    | Global configuration variable
`core/arch/$(ARCH)/$(ARCH).mk` | Arch-specific compiler flags
`core/arch/$(ARCH)/plat-$(PLATFORM)/` | Platform-specific compiler flags and configuration variables
`core/arch/$(ARCH)/plat-$(PLATFORM)/` | Make recipes to link the TEE Core
`ta/arch/arm/` | Make recipes to link Trusted Applications
`ta/mk/` | Main Makefile to be included when building Trusted Applications
`mk/` | Utility functions to manipulate configuration variables and generate a C header file
``          | List source files and define compiler flags

`make` is always invoked from the top-level directory; there is no recursive
invocation of make itself.

## Choosing the build target

The target architecture, platform and build directory may be selected by setting
environment or make variables (**VAR=value make** or **make VAR=value**).

### ARCH (CPU architecture)

**$(ARCH)** is the CPU architecture to be built. Currently, the only supported
value is **arm** for 32-bit or 64-bit Armv7-A or Armv8-A. Please note that
contrary to the Linux kernel, **$(ARCH)** should **not** be set to **arm64** for
64-bit builds. The **ARCH** variable does not need to be set explicitly before
building either, because the proper instruction set is selected from the
**$(PLATFORM)** value. For platforms that support both 32-bit and 64-bit
builds, **CFG_ARM64_core=y** should be set to select 64-bit and not set (or set
to **n**) to select 32-bit.

Architecture-specific source code belongs to sub-directories that follow the
`arch/$(ARCH)` pattern, such as:
`core/arch/arm`, `lib/libmpa/arch/arm`, `lib/libutee/arch/arm` and
so on.

### PLATFORM / PLATFORM_FLAVOR (hardware platform)

A *platform* is a family of closely related hardware configurations. A platform
*flavor* is a variant of such configurations. When used together they define the
target hardware on which OP-TEE will be run.

For instance **PLATFORM=stm PLATFORM_FLAVOR=b2260** will build for the
ST Microelectronics 96boards/cannes2 board, while **PLATFORM=vexpress
PLATFORM_FLAVOR=qemu_virt** will generate code for a para-virtualized ARM
Versatile Express board running on QEMU.

For convenience, the flavor may be appended to the platform name with a dash, so
**make PLATFORM=stm-b2260** is a shortcut for
**make PLATFORM=stm PLATFORM_FLAVOR=b2260**. Note that in both cases the value
of **$(PLATFORM)** is **stm** in the makefiles.

Platform-specific source code belongs to `core/arch/$(ARCH)/plat-$(PLATFORM)`,
for instance: `core/arch/arm/plat-vexpress` or `core/arch/arm/plat-stm`.

### O (output directory)

All output files go into a platform-specific build directory, which is by default

The output directory has basically the same structure as the source tree.
For instance, assuming **ARCH=arm PLATFORM=stm**,
`core/kernel/panic.c` will compile into `out/arm-plat-stm/core/kernel/panic.o`.

However, some libraries are compiled several times: once or twice for user
mode, and once for kernel mode. This is because they may be used by the TEE
Core as well as by the Trusted Applications. As a result, the `lib` source
directory gives two or three build directories: `ta_arm{32,64}-lib` and

The output directory also has an `export-ta_arm{32,64}` directory, which
- All the files needed to build Trusted Applications.
  - In `lib/`: **libutee.a** (the GlobalPlatform Internal API), **libutils.a**
  (which implements a part of the standard C library), and **libmpa.a** (which
  implements multiple precision arithmetic and is required by libutee.a).
  - In `include/`: header files for the above libraries
  - In `mk/`: ****, which is a Make include file with suitable
  rules to build a TA, and its dependencies
  - `scripts/`: a Python script used by to sign TAs.
  - In `src`: **user_ta_header.c**: source file to add a suitable header to the
  Trusted Application (as expected by the loader code in the TEE Core)
- Some files needed to build host applications (using the Client API), under

Finally, the build directory contains the auto-generated configuration file
for the TEE Core: `$(O)/include/generated/conf.h` (see below).

### CROSS_COMPILE* (cross-compiler selection)

**$(CROSS_COMPILE)** is the prefix used to invoke the (32-bit) cross-compiler
The default value is **arm-linux-gnueabihf-**. This is the variable you want to
change in case you want to use
[ccache]( to speed you recompilations:
$ make CROSS_COMPILE="ccache arm-linux-gnueabihf-"

If the build includes a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit code, for instance if you
set `CFG_ARM64_core=y` to build a 64-bit secure kernel, then two different
toolchains are used, that are controlled by **$(CROSS_COMPILE32)** and
The default value of **$(CROSS_COMPILE32)** is the value of CROSS_COMPILE,
which defaults to **arm-linux-gnueabihf-** as mentioned above.
The default value of **$(CROSS_COMPILE64)** is **aarch64-linux-gnu-**.

# FOr this example, select HiKey which supports both 32- and 64-bit builds
$ export PLATFORM=hikey

# 1. Build everything 32-bit
$ make

# 2. Same as (1.) but override the toolchain
$ make CROSS_COMPILE="ccache arm-linux-gnueabihf-"

# 3. Same as (2.)
$ make CROSS_COMPILE32="ccache arm-linux-gnueabihf-"

# 4. Select 64-bit secure 'core' (and therefore both 32- and 64-bit
# Trusted Application libraries)
$ make CFG_ARM64_core=y

# 5. Same as (4.) but override the toolchains
$ make CFG_ARM64_core=y \
       CROSS_COMPILE32="ccache arm-linux-gnueabihf-" \
       CROSS_COMPILE64="ccache aarch64-linux-gnu-"

## Platform-specific configuration and flags

The following variables are defined in `core/arch/$(ARCH)/$(ARCH).mk`:

- **$(core-platform-aflags)**, **$(core-platform-cflags)** and
  **$(core-platform-cppflags)** are added to the assembler / C compiler
  / preprocessor flags for all source files compiled for TEE Core including
  the kernel versions of **libmpa.a** and **libutils.a**.
- **$(ta_arm{32,64}-platform-aflags)**, **$(ta_arm{32,64}-platform-cflags)**
  and **$(ta_arm{32,64}-platform-cppflags)** are added to the assembler / C
  compiler / preprocessor flags when building the user-mode libraries
  (**libutee.a**, **libutils.a**, **libmpa.a**) or Trusted Applications.

The following variables are defined in

- If **$(arm{32,64}-platform-cflags)**, **$(arm{32,64}-platform-aflags)** and
  **$(arm{32,64}-platform-cppflags)** are defined their content will be added
  to **$(\*-platform-\*flags)** when they are are initialized in
  `core/arch/$(ARCH)/$(ARCH).mk` as described above.
- **$(core-platform-subdirs)** is the list of the subdirectories that are
  added to the TEE Core.

## Platform-specific link recipes for the TEE Core

The file `core/arch/$(ARCH)/plat-$(PLATFORM)/` contains the rules to
link the TEE Core and perform any related tasks, such as running **objdump**
to produce a dump file. **** adds files to the **all:** target.

## Source files

Each directory that contains source files has a file called ``. This
makefile defines the source files that should be included in the build, as well
as any subdirectories that should be processed, too.

For example:
# core/arch/arm/sm/
srcs-y += sm_asm.S
srcs-y += sm.c
# core/
subdirs-y += kernel
subdirs-y += mm
subdirs-y += tee
subdirs-y += drivers

The `-y` suffix is meant to facilitate conditional compilation.
See *Configuration* below.

`srcs-y` and `subdirs-y` are often not used together in the same ``,
because source files are usually alone in leaf directories. But this is not a
hard rule.

In addition to source files, `` may define compiler flags, include
directories and/or configuration variables as explained below.

## Compiler flags

Default compiler flags are defined in `mk/`. Note that platform-specific flags must not appear in this file which is common to all platforms.

To add flags for a given source file, you may use the following variables in
* `cflags-<filename>-y` for C files (*.c)
* `aflags-<filename>-y` for assembler files (*.S)
* `cppflags-<filename>-y` for both C and assembler

For instance:

# core/lib/libtomcrypt/src/pk/dh/
srcs-y += dh.c
cflags-dh.c-y := -Wno-unused-variable
Compiler flags may also be removed, as follows:

# lib/libutils/isoc/newlib/
srcs-y += memmove.c
cflags-remove-memmove.c-y += -Wcast-align

Some variables apply to libraries only (that is, when using `mk/`)
and affect all the source files that belong to the library: `cppflags-lib-y`
and `cflags-lib-y`.

## Include directories

Include directories may be added to `global-incdirs-y`, in which case they will
be accessible from all the source files and will be copied to
`export-ta_arm{32,64}/include` and `export-ta_arm{32,64}/host_include`.

When `` is used to build a library, `incdirs-lib-y` may receive additional
directories that will be used for that library only.

## Configuration variables

Some features may be enabled, disabled or otherwise controlled at compile time
through makefile variables. Default values are normally provided in makefiles
with the `?=` operator so that their value may be easily overridden by
environment variables. For instance:


Some global configuration variables are defined in `mk/`, but others
may be defined in `` when then pertain to a specific library for instance.

Variables with the `CFG_` prefix are treated in a special
way: their value is automatically reflected in the generated header
file `$(out-dir)/include/generated/conf.h`, after all the included
makefiles have been processed. `conf.h` is automatically included by the
preprocessor when a source file is built.

Depending on their value, variables may
be considered either boolean or non-boolean, which affects how they are
translated into `conf.h`.

### Boolean configuration variables

When a configuration variable controls the presence or absence of a feature,
**y** means *enabled*, while **n**, an empty value or an undefined variable
means *disabled*. For instance, the following commands are equivalent and would
disable feature *CFG_CRYPTO_GCM*:

$ export CFG_CRYPTO_GCM=n
$ make

Configuration variables may then be used directly in `` to
trigger conditional compilation:

# core/lib/libtomcrypt/src/encauth/
subdirs-$(CFG_CRYPTO_CCM) += ccm
subdirs-$(CFG_CRYPTO_GCM) += gcm

When a configuration variable is *enabled* (**y**), `<generated/conf.h>`
contains a macro with the same name as the variable and the value **1**.
If it is  *disabled*, however, no macro definition is output. This allows the C
code to use constructs like:

/* core/lib/libtomcrypt/src/tee_ltc_provider.c */

/* ... */

#if defined(CFG_CRYPTO_GCM)
struct tee_gcm_state {
        gcm_state ctx;                  /* the gcm state as defined by LTC */
        size_t tag_len;                 /* tag length */

### Non-boolean configuration variables

Configuration variables that are not recognized as booleans are simply output
unchanged into `<generated/conf.h>`. For instance:

/* out/arm-plat-vexpress/include/generated/conf.h */

#define CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL 4 /* '4' */

### Configuration dependencies

Some combinations of configuration variables may not be valid. This should be
dealt with by custom checks in makefiles. `mk/checkconf.h` provides functions
to help detect and deal with such situations.